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Untitled Goose Game is nothing short of a *honk*nomenon (sorry!), having transcended the hallowed halls of nerdom to become an essential piece of the cultural zeitgeist.
Australian developer House House created the winner of a honk-ton of awards – the famous Untitled Goose Game. A slapstick-stealth-sandbox, where you are a goose let loose on an unsuspecting village. Make your way around town, from peoples’ back gardens to the high street shops to the village green, setting up pranks, stealing hats, honking a lot, and generally ruining everyone’s day.
It’s a lovely day in the village, and you are a horrible goose.
Untitled Goose Game is a slapstick-stealth-sandbox, where you are a goose let loose on an unsuspecting village. Make your way around town, from peoples’ back gardens to the high street shops to the village green, setting up pranks, stealing hats, honking a lot, and generally ruining everyone’s day.
A Nintendo Switch Online membership may be required for online play. Please check the game detail page on Nintendo.com for membership requirements.
2019 House House in cooperation with Panic.